Saturday, February 19, 2011

"King of the American Breakfast Table"

A few days ago someone walked into Ultimo Coffee here in South Philly and laid a book on the counter. As she turned immediately to walk back out the door she said over her shoulder "Just thought you'd enjoy this!" She left behind a thin hardcover book called Coffee: Recipes Customs Facts & Fancies by Jean Gordon.

It's a funny little collection of stories, illustrations and recipes from 1965. Coffee consumption has changed a lot in the last 50 years (even the last 10) so it's slim pickens for relevant information, but it's great fun to read through. It includes some fun recipes like the one for "Coffee Glazed Ham Loaf" and this wonderful poem written as "a beautiful tribute to coffee":

No wonder there is magic about the effects of a good cup of coffee.
It has gathered to itself the glory of Southern seas and the mystery of tropic nights.
It has been wooed by the winds of romance and lulled by the song of the seven seas.
It recalls the music of soft tongues, the melody of strange instruments
and the rhythm of languorous dances.
It has seen the droop of dark eyes, the deep flush of olive cheeks,
when love songs fall upon the palpitating night.
No wonder it conveys to the senses the subtle perfume of surcharged blooms,
the rare memories of wondrous journeyings and the aromatic fragrance
of exotic and opulent nature.

I also found both of these pages fun to read over, though the one on processing is a bit outdated in an age where Direct Trade is becoming more common. I dont think, however, the "COFFEE THESAURAUS" page will ever be outdated (worth a once over just to expand your coffee vocabulary).

My favorite part was this "PICTURE COFFEE MAP of the WORLD" in the very back of the book.

Truly a great read. More on coffee soon I'm sure.

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